Today I had gazpacho,
minus my sundried tomatoes cause I ate them all..
It was up to 4 cups in Vitamix tomatoes, lots of basil, lemon juice, orange juice, dates, agave and one dried thai chili pepper. I should have added two cause I couldnt taste it. It was based on Karmyn's recipe.
I then Made Fred Patenaude's Fruit soup, with my own ingredients.
I love his soup. Based on Pineapple and all sorts of diced fruits you can make. From his dvd. This had celery, pomegranate arils, cherries, grapes, and pineapple.
Fruit soup
I had lots of banana smoothies and frozen bananas. With dates, berries and vanilla.
I went out with friend, to Mexican restaurant, And I got a salad with pico de gallo and little guacamole. This was challenging as she had veggie burrito with cheese plus we were talking.
I then had dates for snack. We went bowling.
All last night, watching movie called Duchess of Langelais, I ate sundried tomatoes and some mac nuts, and tons of frozen bananas. I was a little piggy with the frozen bananas. I ate a whole container.
You see I bought a whole case and went away just when they were spotty, so I cut them up and froze them.
Where did you find that pineapple tool? I had bought one, a very different one, but it was just a kind of ripoff